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Braun Ambulance for Ceresco Fire & Rescue

Originally published on December 26, 2012
Updated on October 31, 2019
By Braun Ambulances

The truth is, while we’re constantly building and delivering new ambulances, we get excited about every single unit that leaves our facility. What’s even more exciting is when our end customers feel the same pride in their emergency vehicle that we do.

Earlier this year, we delivered a Chief XL Type I ambulance on a Ford F-450 chassis to Fireguard, Inc. Fireguard is our dealer for Nebraska and counties in Iowa. They are also a Braun Authorized Service Center. For a short period of time, they used this ambulance as a demo unit.

The unit was later sold to Ceresco Fire & Rescue in Ceresco, Nebraska. It was delivered to the customer at Fire-Rescue International 2013 in Denver, Colorado. There, the unit was displayed at the Braun booth for over 12,000+ attendees before the customer took ownership.

During the conference, Chief Justin Maxson was kind enough to give us a tour of Ceresco’s new Chief XL ambulance. Check out the video below to see what they like most about their new emergency vehicle. Some of these features include all LED lighting, a restocking option in the cabinetry, stainless steel interior and blinker/break light indicators.

Ceresco Fire & Rescue operates out of one station and covers 85 square miles. Their fleet consists of 2 ambulances, 1 rescue truck, 1 engine, 2 tankers, and 2 wilderness emergency vehicles. They currently have 28 employees.

Thank you to Chief Justin Maxson for taking the time to share your Braun ambulance with us!

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