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West Virginia

Penn Care

We are proud to have Penn Care as our dealer partner for Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, and West Virginia.


1317 North Road
Niles, Ohio 44446
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Penn Care has been a long-time dealer partner of Braun Industries. The company provides Braun sales and service in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, and West Virginia. Headquartered in Niles, Ohio, the company has ambulance sales representatives and strategic service partners, such as C2 Emergency Solutions, located throughout their coverage area.

Co-founders, Don Bloom and Shawn Bryant, sold Braun ambulances prior to even incorporating the business! They officially opened their first full-line facility in Warren, Ohio in 1987. They carried a complete line of emergency medical products and vehicles. Today, the company is also owned by Taylor Pease and maintains their EMS Supplies and Ambulances Divisions. They also offer EMS Software and Disaster Response Solutions as well.

With the slogan “Many Needs … One Solution,” Penn Care strives to be a full-service solution provider. They are consistently named a top dealer in the Braun network, positioning the brand as the “Rolls Royce” of the ambulance industry.