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Beards at Braun Ambulances – Ambulance Manufacturer Celebrates No-Shave November

Originally published on December 8, 2017
Updated on October 20, 2019
By Braun Ambulances

No-Shave November has grown in popularity over the years to become a mainstream fundraiser. For those that don’t know what it is, it’s a unique awareness campaign focused on facial hair. While many cancer patients lose their hair, No-Shave November embraces hair growth by forgoing shaving and grooming. Money shaved off grooming – pun intended – is then donated to cancer prevention, research, and education programs.

At Braun Industries, employees were encouraged to participate in No-Shave November. They could donate what they’d normally spend in hair care and shaving costs for one month, or pledge another donation amount. They also sought out sponsors from family and friends to increase the donation total. Altogether, this incredible group of bearded bros donated $410 to the American Cancer Society. We are honored to have such giving individuals on our team! And, we’re ready to see their handsome faces again.

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